The Safety Response

This is my #1 tool for feeling SAFE when anxiety strikes

Learn my simple yet powerful 4-step method for calming yourself down and feeling safe when you get triggered.

Does this ever happen to you?

Something happens that makes you feel anxious…

Maybe it’s a stressful call from a family member…

Perhaps you look at your credit card statement and realize you’ve overspent…

Or you’re in a public place and someone yells or jumps beside you…

All of a sudden your heart starts to beat quickly…

Your palms are sweaty

Your mind starts to make up scenarios of what could happen…

You try to tell yourself that everything is FINE…

And your body starts to shake a little…

But no matter how much you think about it you’re still in FIGHT OR FLIGHT…

You spend the next hour or more trying to calm down

Maybe you get more easily triggered as the day goes on

And you just wish it would END and that you could just FEEL SAFE in your body

I’ve been there… many times.

My name is Jack.

I used to go through my day in a constant state of fear and panic.

It was awful.

Some days even the smallest thing could trigger my anxiety.

I tried EVERYTHING to fix it… from herbal supplements to meditation to talk therapy.

Nothing worked…

Until I discovered these 4 powerful tools. 

I found each of them one by one through different teachers who are masters in their fields… and then I combined them together.

Together they form The Safety Response - this is my special protocol, blending elements of mind, body, and feeling… to help you finally feel safe in your body.

I’m here to share what I’ve learned.

This is the #1 tool that I use in my own life when I feel anxious or triggered in stressful situations.

I share it with all of my clients.

It is often highly effective.

The safety response can allow you to quickly and effectively…

Neutralize anxiety

Relax physical tension

Breathe properly

Feel safe in your body

Gain self-control

Stop feeling triggered

Here’s what you get
 by enrolling